210 Local Media Podcast - San Antonio, Texas

Episode 75: Heather Go Psycho Radio - Favorite Record



Episode 75: Heather Go Psycho Radio - Favorite RecordThanks for tuning in to 210 Local Media podcast, I am your host, Mario Zamarron. I’ve been meaning to have Heather Go Psycho’s album Favorite Record on the show for a very long time. I’ve seen the girls a couple of times, but due to the circumstances of the night, was unable to introduce myself to them or anything. Luckily, thanks to Twitter, I was able to chat with Heather Go Psycho’s bassist, Diana. Here’s an update for those who haven’t heard yet, Diana is no longer the bands drummer. They’ve recently added an actual Heather to the line up! Kind of like when Donella Drive had Ella. I saw Heather Go Psycho, most recently at one of the Creative Creatures shows at Fitzgerald’s. They played right after The Black Market Club and before The Lost Project and The Sandworms. They put on a great show and brought a totally different vibe to that stage. I’m glad to finally add them as alumni to the 210 Local Media Podcast. First, we’ll dive into some music, and then