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MM113: Lara Eastburn - Doing Social Differently



Does social media make you want to tear your hair out? Or do you feel like it’s cold and pointless? You’re going to love what Lara Eastburn shares with us today as part of the what’s working now series as Lara puts the heart back in social and puts how we market in perspective. Show notes with key points, takeaways, and links for this episode available at Items Discussed in this Episode: Lara explains how she’s not ‘just another social media person’  and how she tries to work with people like her For those of us with small businesses, social media is scary because we forget to ‘speak human’ and not worry about all the statistics Marketing happens everywhere! We’ve moved it to the online world for our businesses, but it should feel the same as marketing ‘live’ When it comes to social media, we tend to put on our ‘virtual business suits’ and take our personality out of it If we can recognize that everything we do is already ‘social’, you don’t have to think of social media a