Marketing Moxie: Online Marketing I Branding I Promotion I Copywriting I Conversions I Traffic

MM116: Jules Taggart-Boosting Revenue by Marketing to Existing Clients



What’s working now continues as we dive into a specific tactic that’s helped Jules Taggart do less outbound marketing and increase the percentage of referrals and repeat clients. If you run a services-based business, you’ll want to listen to what Jules is doing and get these ideas into action. Show notes with key points, takeaways, and links for this episode available at Items Discussed in this Episode: Jules shares how and why she has spent more time this year marketing to current and past clients and people in her inner circle instead of mass marketing Jules explains how she keeps touching base with clients without feeling pushy Jules shares her 4 steps she uses to market each client individually according to their needs Sending your potential clients information pertinent to them lets them know you’re thinking about them whether or not you decide to work together Once she’s wrapped up a client, Jules explains what she does to continue nurturing that relationship Once yo