Health & Fitness Engineer

#62 How Not to F Up Your Ironman Season, the biggest mistakes triathletes make



What will get in the way of a successful (successfully executed) What is a Successful Ironman Season Healthier and happier in the other side Not divorced, family not disgruntled Evolved into the next version of yourself Meet goals Managed yourself well in training AND racing Habits that Really Get in the Way of a Successful Ironman, and may result in a DNF Not doing it for yourself or the healthier whys.  You are not “a real triathlete” until you do an ironman.  Peer pressure. Doing it for Status.  Unhealthy drive to do the really hard things to prove that you are good enough. Dreamboard or vision board.  YOU HAVE TO REALLY WANT IT.  For yourself for it to be enjoyable and “successful”. And not a shit show. Losing track of your why Dreamboard Not resting and recovering enough. Utilizing too aggressive of a plan, some plans cycle 3 weeks on and one recovery.  Some (ours) do two weeks on, one easier. Acknowledge that recovery is mandatory and do it.  (don’t complain about it) Have a plan that works fo