21khz: The Art Of Money In Music

"Blurred Lines" was it Plagiarism?



Paul Resnikoff - Founder, Digital Music News Season 2/ Episode 5 The second season finale of the original Star Trek back in 1969 was an odd episode. You will see where I am going with this in a moment..... Yes, Kirk and Spock are in the top of the show, Kirk and Spock are at the close of the show, but the meat of the show, the entire episode, is taken up with the story of some guy named - "Gary Seven." Gary Seven is a human who, as it turns out, was kidnapped by aliens and sent back to earth to protect us from... whatever, that's not the point... The point is (and was), Gene Roddenberry was using one show - Star Trek, to promote another show, in this case, a show about some guy named - Gary Seven. (In the end the show, something of a Doctor Who Ripoff, never got picked up and the whole affair is now nothing more than a fantastic bit of a Star Trek Trivia... but, again, that's not the point.) So with all that in mind you will notice that Jeff and I are in the top of today's show, we are in the close of the clo