Bankbosun Podcast | Banking Risk Management | Banking Executive Podcast

Understanding Hidden Risks in Insurance Companies and Impact on BOLI Asset



Title:  Understanding Hidden Risks in Insurance Companies and Impact on BOLI Asset. Prepare yourself for your bank owned life insurance (BOLI) annual review with a better understanding of insurance company "General Account" portfolio hidden risks.  Attendee and Guest: Kelly Coughlin, CEO, BankBosun; David Merkel, CEO, Aleph Investments, CFA and Actuary                                        Date:         July 10, 2017 There are only two things as complicated as insurance accounting. And I have no idea what they are. Andrew Tobias, The Invisible Bankers Intro: Kelly Coughlin is a CPA and CEO of BankBosun, a management consulting firm helping bank C Level Officers navigate risk and discover reward. He is the host of the syndicated audio podcast, Kelly brings over 25 years of experience with companies like PWC, Lloyds Bank, and Merrill Lynch. On the podcast Kelly interviews key executives in the banking ecosystem to provide bank C suite officers, risk management, technology, and investment ideas