Start-up Speakeasy

Cutting Clients to Gain Business… We're Talking Target Market



Show Notes: If you’ve ever buried your nose in a few business books, you know that you’re ‘supposed’ to pinpoint your target market and narrow in on who is a perfect fit for your work. But, its WAY more common to go through the motions and really only scratch the surface while the point is to dig deep. So, if you’re like me, and vaguely consider your true target market while rushing between projects and posts- I think Sarah has some info that will make you reconsider... In this episode, we dive into the steps she took to uncover the subtle correlations between her all-time favorite clients, and how you can too. She also lays out some killer insight on her next steps which she credits as the difference between falling flat in narrowing things down and blowing it out the water. SPOILER ALERT: by taking the leap into truly serving her target market she experienced: Her projects are based around exactly what she wants to be working on, which makes her career way more fulfilling becau