Trading Story: Trading Interviews, Tips & Inspiration For Newer Traders

106 - The One Thing in Trading



Hope things are going well and progressing with you guys on the trading side. This week, I took 3 positions: all net losers. I had a deadline on another project so I didn’t spend as much time as I would like. Such is life. But one thing I did was grab another book that I recommend. It’s not a trading book, per se. It’s more of a business success book that has plenty of application for those of us learning to trade. I’m about half-way through the book now to be up front. It’s a short read – 224 pages, but easy reading. I’ll finish the book by the time this podcast is released. But what I have picked up so far has been pretty good. The book is called The One Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan. I heard an interview with Jay Papasan a few months back plugging the book. What piqued my interest was the simplicity behind the concept. I like simple. Jay and Gary both also live in my hometown, Austin, Texas. So being the late-adopter that I am, I finally pi