Mind Of An Entrepreneur Show

What is the State of Your Personal Economy?



The days of a safe and secure job are long gone. The Traditional Wisdom of go to school, get a good education, and get a good paying job with a good company is DEAD.So much has changed from 30 to 40 years ago. Back then the corporations said, “We’ll always be here and take care of you, stay loyal to us and we’ll give you a pension and medical benefits.” Everyday those promises are disappearing.It is common to see companies slash 10,000, 25,000, 50,000 jobs or more. Companies that once looked invincible are vanishing right before your eyes and those that are barely left standing need your tax dollars to Bail them out.In the past it was considered risky to be an entrepreneur. Today, the real risk is staying with a company where the job you perform could be permantly dismantled at anytime.What can you do? What will you do? What are you prepared to do?You know you have Greatness in you. You just need help cultivating and unleashing that Entrepreneurial Spirit that lays dormant. That’s why you’re here and that