Gut Talk

Are GMO’s Making You Sick?



GMO’s (genetically modified organisms) are plant whose DNA has been altered. Certain genes from bacteria and viruses are taken and forced into the plants which creates unnatural proteins. The main reason for genetic engineering is so crops will be resistant to weed killer. You’ve probably heard of Roundup. This weed killer is produced by Monsanto who is the primary corporation behind GMO crops.All conventional soy, corn, cotton, sugar beets, and alfalfa seeds are genetically modified as Roundup ready seeds.This means that these crops are being sprayed with Roundup and surviving, which means that we are consuming them. The Roundup gets absorbed into these crops which makes them toxic. When we consume these products, we are consuming highly toxic food. Scientists have actually claimed that Roundup is the most chronically toxic chemical on the planet due to its widespread use.Sign up to receive my digestion guide: "3 Ways to Improve Your Digestion in 30 Days or Less" at