

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 59:06 — 47.4MB) Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Android | Email | Google Podcasts | RSS There's a reason that Anthony and Mike have been friends for almost a decade, co-founded the OutBound Conference together, and have written the foreward for 3 of each other's 6 books. They share a passion for helping salespeople learn the truths about selling, even when those truths may be unpopular or require more work. On this episode of In the Arena, Anthony and Mike debunk myths and present truth in the areas of social selling, sales motivation, prospecting, and time management, and discuss how the principles in Mike's latest book, #SalesTruth, can help you win more new sales. What compelled Mike Weinberg to write his new book, #SalesTruth, was that what he was reading online about how to succeed in sales did not align with what he saw in real companies across the globe. Hear more on this episode of In the Arena.Click To Tweet Kylie Jenner Didn't Cold Call Her Way to a Bil