Imago Dei - Spring 2016 Bible Study

"Relabeled", Romans 8:1-17; 31-39 by Michael Lusk



Who am I? How do I define myself? These are huge questions that teenagers struggle with. We often define ourselves by what we do, what we look like, what we have, or by what others think of us. The way we define ourselves is important because it determines our priorities in life, it guides our actions, and it establishes what we believe is our purpose in life. Instead of looking to what the world says, we should look to what the Bible says about our identity. In Genesis 1, we learn that we are created by God and we are created in His image. We have a specific purpose and value in life because we were created by Him and in His image. This series will help us understand our biblical identity by looking at our identity in Christ, our sexual identity, inner turmoil and conflict, family relationships, and biblical manhood/womanhood.