Mightier Than A Sword W/ John Green

Be a man: The mask we wear and gender intelligence



Join us today 5:30 CST as we explore the topic of gender intelligence, understanding and respecting differences. I am sure many of us have heard the term be a man or man up but when we say that what are we really saying and how is that message received.....   We will consider questions surrounding gender intelligence, gender expectation and challenges that are created as a result of gender confusion....... Questions to consider: Be a man what is that and how do men react when this idea of manhood is challenge? Could gender intelligence help reduce violence? Could gender intelligence be the answer to police brutality and hyper-masculinity? Have you considered that one of the most dangerous things you can say to a boy is be a man? Did we see gender dynamics being displayed during the police stop of Sandra Bland? To view: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hc45-ptHMxo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jVI1Xutc_Ws