Mightier Than A Sword W/ John Green

How much money will it take to fix our relationships and homes?



Join us today 5:30 CST as we explore the question: How much money will it take to fix our relationships and homes? “What matters for success is less whether your father was rich or poor than whether you knew your father at all.” Lawrence Mead To share your thoughts 718-508-9533 Press #1 or you can simply listen by clicking below…    To Read: https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/what-patrick-moynihan-knew-about-the-importance-of-two-parents/2015/03/13/2cdf9bae-c9a4-11e4-aa1a-86135599fb0f_story.html   Questions to consider: Do we have little faith in marriage today or see it as inconsequential to the overall well-being of our children and community?  Should premarital and family planning classes be more readily available to encourage and promote healthy relationships leading to marriage? What characteristics must be present in the lives of men who desire to be great fathers and husbands? Do Black women have a role to play in fixing and stabilizing their families and communities?