Beyond The Edge Radio

4/30/2017 Jay Bachochin of WPI Hunts the Truth and Mary Marshall the Paranormal MD



This week on BTE Radio, we welcome back one of our favorite guests and good friend to the show Jay Bachochin. Jay is joined by one on of his Paranormal research partners and first time guest to the show Mary Marshall the Paranormal MD. In the first half hour we're joined by Shawn Donley and Marianne Donley of Dark Shadow Ghost Tours for a brand new episode of "The Haunted Spotlight." At 8:30, we're joined by Jay and Mary to talk about their research in the forests of Southern Wisconsin and some of the interesting cases they have investigated over the years. This is sure to be one for the record books as we're joined by these dedicated and thorough researchers of the paranormal, the Mulder and Skully of Wisconsin Jay Bachochin and Mary Marshall this week on BTE Radio. About Jay and WPI Hunts the truth. WPI Hunts the Truth was established in March 2007 by Jay Bachochin and his wife Katie due to their love and passion of the paranormal. They were both so intrigued by the paranormal evidence they’ve seen in the