Pizza Buffet!

Episode 9: Just a Kiss Away



While we were away: In Houston, Texas, USA, The Mopheaded Darling met Yao Ming's parents; the Giddy Cynic endured a 17 hour flight to Ethiopia alongside 397 Chinese traders, 3 other women, and some fed-up stewardesses; and while they were gone the World-Weary Sleuth lived for three days on instant ramen, without electricity. We also discuss why, biking without helmets, us Beijingers are just a kiss away from doom, but we'd still never be seen wearing one of those things. Also! We announce our new, "China Cliche" PHOTO CONTEST. - Listen to the radio show to hear it explained - E-mail your photos to - And see them posted within 24 hours on our Picasa account: Which you should click to see the sort of thing we're looking for, categorized. xxo PBJ