Alpha Geek Interviews

AG Interviews Episode 17 - Stephen "Stepto" Toulouse



Full time Xbox staff, part time PAX and w00tstock performer, I am at heart a geek of pure pedigree. Ever since joining the Microsoft Corporation in April of 1994 I've pretty much been known by my email name, which is I've worn a few hats for Microsoft: product support monkey, technical writer, trainer, and Communications Manager for security response at Microsoft from 2002 to 2006. For that role I worked alongside a team of great people triaging and investigating and solving reported vulnerabilities in Microsoft software. On August 13th, 2007, I took on a great new challenge by joining our Xbox team working on Xbox LIVE. I'm currently the Director of Policy and Enforcement for the Xbox LIVE service. Along the way I made some amazing friends, wrote a book, and wore a suit.