Stronger Together

5. Hitting Your CrossFit Peak During a Financial Low Point with Jim & Amy



Jim Gay ranked in the top 200 of the Age Group Online Qualifier during the 2018 CrossFit Open, almost earning a spot at the Games. Listen how he was balancing his own CrossFit peak with a low-point at home, struggling for the first time to stay afloat in his private contracting business. Jim opens up alongside Amy about how CrossFit served as an outlet and distraction. With four kids and a busy schedule, Jim & Amy remind us that when times are tough, turning on your partner doesn't help; rather, allow them to lean into whatever is helping them cope, and trust that they have your best interest in mind as well.  If you’re a family guy — or girl — looking to continue kicking ass at CrossFit, but have a lot on your plate and a busy schedule that leaves little time for your relationship, listening to these two will give you a boost!