Preliminary Health Care Podcast

Food, "Food," and Drugs



Food, “Food,” & Drugs The following is adapted from our free Nutritional Basics eBook. We tend to think about food in simplistic terms, like “calories,” “good for you, bad for you,” or “how much (insert nutrient here) is in it.” In reality, though, food is a symphony of signals playing to your body more strikingly than any drug. You cannot understand nutrition in these simple terms, but must rather appreciate that each element of a food combines and interacts with your body as to be greater than its sum. Not that this is a, overly-complicated thought, but food is so fundamental to the human experience that it rarely evokes any thought that is not oversimplified. If we lived in a less synthesized world, oversimplification would be fine because we would be immersed in an environment to which our brains and bodies were perfectly suited. We wouldn’t have to worry about “is this good for me?” because our own instinctual and reflexive drives would only allow us to eat non-harmful and healthy items. But alas, we’