Pushing Beyond The Obvious - Helping Entrepreneurs Succeed

PBTO S2E8: Empathy – The Super power of a Successful FBI Hostage Negotiator or an Entrepreneur



Who is on the show today: James “Chip” Massey is the CEO of Plowshare Communications, which advises business leaders on strategic negotiations and how to accelerate the sales process by building strong, powerful, and trust-based relationships.   Why is he on the show:    For more than two decades, Massey served as an FBI Special Agent and hostage/crisis negotiator. During his tenure, his work ranged from collaborating with the CIA to crack espionage rings to high-profile corruption cases, to post-9/11 counter-terrorism investigations at key Washington, D.C. sites. As a hostage negotiator, he worked extensively in crisis situations, including international kidnappings […]