More Money

S5, Ep 420: Manifesting a House and a Sweet Life



In this episode, law of attraction coach Cassie Parks interviews Annie about manifesting love, money, and more using the law of attraction. They discuss how Annie has increased her income by 4x, manifesting more love, joy, and ease.  The interview starts with Cassie asking Annie what’s awesome. Annie shares everything! Then, she shares about her engagement to her love.  The two talk about Annie’s manifesting total. Instead of a total, they discuss how Annie’s income has increased from $45,000 a year to $180,000. Then Cassie shares that if Annie works for 20 more years that would be $3,600,000 instead of the $900,000 Annie would have made at her former salary. Annie shares how connected she is to money now. She has an IRA and other investments where her money is growing. Annie shares this story about a house she looked at being the same one that is on her vision board, “We went to look at a house this weekend, and then this morning I looked at my manifesting poster board that I’ve been working on for my co