In The Trenches

ITT 235: AI Growth Hacking and Lifestyle Design with Danny Flood



Danny Flood is a vibrant individual whose life experience spans a range of diverse chapters, all encapsulating an adventurous spirit and a penchant for non-traditional living. About eight years ago, you would have found him in the bustling city of Bangkok, living a life many only dream of. A pioneer in the realm of location independence, Flood was immersing himself in the digital nomad lifestyle, long before it gained mainstream recognition.   As a young man, Danny was no stranger to structure and discipline, having served in the military – an experience that shaped him in many ways. Following his service, he sought to expand his horizons and attended the Art Institute, where he earned a degree in advertising. This conventional path, which typically leads to a corporate career, didn’t quite align with Danny's ambitions.   Facing what he called a quarter-life depression, Flood was confronted with the daunting prospect of 40 years tethered to an office desk, a future that seemed an ill fit for his free spirit.