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The State of the Art of Computer Vision Tech with Mihkel Jäätma, cofounder and CEO of Real Eyes (MDE559)



Minter Dialogue with Mihkel Jäätma Mihkel Jäätma is cofounder and CEO of Real Eyes, Attention Measurement, a software that measures human response at the speed and scale of Artificial Intelligence. In their words, they are "the only fully Responsible AI for computer vision." Real Eyes, which was founded in 2007, has been leveraging the evolution in AI to create a state of the art technology, able to detect emotions, attention and identity, in order to help brands understand the engagement of their advertisements. Real Eyes can also be used to verify identities to detect fraud, such as checking the authenticity of individuals filling in online surveys. We discuss the founding of Real Eyes, its journey across the evolution of AI and how the tech is being used by companies. Given Mihkel's operational experience and understanding of AI, we look at the challenges and importance of ethics and being a responsible operator. We also peek into the future of AI. If you've got comments or questions you'd like to see answ