Tribe Byron Bay

Episode 163: Phil Mason - Good New Series: Know and Preach the Gospel - 11 February 2024



The gospel is the greatest news ever to hit the planet. Whether we are called to the ministry of evangelism or not, we are all called to “do the work of an evangelist.” (2 Timothy 4:5). We all have people in our lives who don't know Jesus and because we know the truth we have a responsibility to share the gospel with others. It is vital that all followers of Jesus know and understand the gospel. It is called “the gospel of grace’ because salvation is a free gift for all who believe and repent. We need to prioritize our own personal understanding of the gospel message so we are ready in season and out of season to preach the good news the way Jesus and the Apostles presented it. Salvation is a free gift, but discipleship costs us everything. When we see what Jesus sacrificed so we could be saved, it moves us to sacrifice everything as our act of worship and devotion to Him. We hope this message from Phil Mason blesses you to carry the good news everywhere you go.