Art Of The Kickstart

Balancing Style and Storage: The Making of the Becket Multifunctional Bag



Welcome to another engaging edition of Art of the Kickstart. In this empowering episode, we'll be speaking with Ali Roberts, determined founder of Becket London. Ali will share the origin story behind her multipurpose gym-to-work bag that conveniently transitions with your lifestyle. We'll hear how Ali channeled her own frustrations into a creative solution packed with compartments, antimicrobial protection, and sustainability. Ali will also unpack key lessons from her entrepreneurial journey so far. Learn how she overcame hurdles through grit and resilience while highlighting the importance of building a skilled team versus going solo. Additionally, Ali will explain why she chose crowdfunding to launch Becket London and her biggest challenges throughout that process. By the end, you'll grasp exactly why Ali calls her continuous entrepreneurial education the most rewarding part so far. Tune in now to soak up this founder’s hard-won wisdom as we dive into the highs and lows behind the Becket London brand story