Pushermania Network Podcasts

Talk So Real with Matt Sonzala: Robert Gabriel - Season 4 Episode 6



I know that I say this all the time but THIS IS A BIG ONE! I've been down with Robert Gabriel, nee, R2G2, since the mid-90's when we were both writing for the Bay Area hip hop magazine 4080. The publisher Lauchlan Eugene Sampson McIntyre told Robert and I that we should meet each other as we were both in Austin at the time. So we did and we became friends for all these years. He has always been super supportive and in my corner and I have always loved learning about hip hop from his perspective as well. He has really studied the things that he loves, Austin and The Good Life era hip hop in LA in particular. But he of course is not limited to that. We talk all sorts of things from our history and travels and life etc. And I bust out one of his early tapes he made for me and others that I have on my shelf to this day. Like I say this is the podcast where I talk to my frennnzzz and Robert is one. Y'all have a listen and as always tell a friend to tell a friend about Talk So Real with Matt Sonzala