Pushermania Network Podcasts

Talk So Real with Matt Sonzala: Kwame Anderson - Season 4 Episode 4



MC K PEOPLE CALL HIM KWAM! My brother Kwame Anderson joins us for today's edition of Talk So Real with Matt Sonzala. Our history runs way back to the early 90's and the days of the Hip Hop Coffee Shop at Hoi Polloi on White Oak which is now Onion Creek and also to the days of Strictly Hip Hop Sunday's on KPFT when he was with a very forward thinking rap group called Seeds of Soul. I was a huge fan of theirs and felt like they were really ahead of their time. I used to hang out with Seeds of Soul and um, enhance our minds and listen to bands like Sonic Youth and Jesus Lizard and Kwame really got into experimental music on all levels real heavy. When Seeds of Soul ended, he and DJ Spaceghost started a group called Freedom Sold, which was Kwame on vocals and noisy ass guitar and Spaceghost on the beats and turntables and they really took things to a whole nother level. Talk about being ahead of their time, Freedom Sold was making noisy conscious raps before really anyone. Now everyone is noisy, though maybe not