Lords Of Consciousness

LOC #24 - Derek Jones & Brandon Marchinski



The founders of the FB group Collective Consciousness and Gratitude, Derek and Brandon, joined me for an amazing conversation. These two Pacific North-westerners and I discussed the impact that the Bioneers group, including the likes of Paul Stammets, has made on our lives and how nature has all the answers to clean up our planet and to give us the blueprints for the technologies of the future. We specifically spoke about how truly magical the fungi world is and how there are many uses of different varieties of mushrooms that are changing the world. Derek and Brandon shared their individual stories and how their roads have led them to where they are now. We touched on how important community is in overcoming the problems we all face in our individual lives and both shared their experiences in overcoming the powerful grip of addiction from the perspective of a loved one and as the person who is being strangled by the dependency. This was a most inspiring conversation.