Leadership Moment | Foundational Missions

From Brainwashed to Empowered: Peter Young's Story of Escaping a Cult's Toxic Leadership



Peter Young shares the chilling experience of being a part of a destructive religious cult. As he delves into the dangers of toxic leadership and the lasting impact it can have, Peter's story takes an unexpected turn. Looking back, it seems inevitable, but it took him completely by surprise at the time, and it was something his brother said that helped him to see what was really going on. Listen to discover some of the earmarks of cults as well as a discussion of how toxic leadership always tries to supplant God-ordained order and structure.➡️ Read the blog postFollow or Subscribe➡️ Apple Podcasts➡️ Google Podcasts➡️ Spotify➡️ AmazonKEY TAKEAWAYS:An insider’s perspective on decoded signals of cults and strategies to recognize them.A key leadership truth about hard decisions from Peter's failure and what he's learned.Valuable insights that shed light on leadership traits born out of the ashes of failure and how to embrace them.LINKS & RESOURCES:Stop the Tall Man, Save the Tiger, a memoir about Peter’s