Geneva Push

305 - How Can my Church Raise More Money?



Money is a taboo topic for churches, and there has been some ministries that have brought disrepute to the gospel through the misuse of money, Yet we need to manage and talk about money and generosity as churches not just for budgets but because money management is a part of being a disciple. Jo talks with Tish Maier, Reach Australia's Support Manager, about how and why ministers need to talk about generosity. SHOW NOTES: The Generosity Project - a 6 part  interactive resource from Matthias Media aimed at shifting the culture of generosity in our churches, in a positive way.  - Rod Irvine talking about generosity to church plants Longer talk from Rod Irvine on raising resources for churches CREDITS: The One Thing is brought to you by ⁠Reach Australia⁠. For ideas or questions please email ⁠ To support the Reach Australia Online Library head here.How