Pushermania Network Podcasts

Talk So Real with Matt Sonzala: Shu of IITight Music - Season 3 Episode 04



Maaaaaan I am finally getting back to the podcast game and this one is a good one! I finally got to sit down with Shu of IITight Music (2 Tight) from Japan! Shu is a huge supporter of real rap music and one of the truest fans I have ever met. I love meeting people from around the world who appreciate and work to help and progress our culture and Shu is very much so one of them. Listen to the story of how he has been coming to the US multiple times every year for 20 years to buy music to take back and distribute in Japan, mainly independent real rap music. He goes from hood to hood in search of gems on CD, cassette, vinyl etc and he even licenses music from underground artists. I even have a vinyl copy of a Southern Merchandise album he put out. Southern Merchandise were a group in San Antonio in the 90's and here in Austin I felt like I was the only person who knew of them. I loved that CD and somehow this dude found them and reissued it on vinyl. Crazy! Tune in for some real game and maybe you have something